Advent and Contradictions

The Advent season and scripture readings are filled with seeming contradictions. People in darkness see a great light. Those who weep are assured their tears will be wiped away and joy will come with the dawn. Isaiah insists that wolves will be guests of lambs.

From prison, John’s questioning of Jesus’ messiahship comes from the disconnect between the Baptist’s own fire and brimstone preaching at the Jordan and the approach of his healing, compassionate, merciful cousin, Jesus.

We hear that the parched desert is going to bloom and exalt! Wobbly knees and weak hands are going to be strengthened and made firm. The fearful become strong.

“When will all this happen?” we ask two thousand years later. It all sounds too good to be true. “ Be patient, like the farmer, as you await precious fruit” we are counseled. Yet patience and active participation join together in every age. Advent invites us into stillness at the height of hectic activity. Such seeming contradictions between God’s vision and the way things currently exist create the healthy tension that increases our faith, hope and trust. Come, Lord Jesus! Come and set your people free.