Loaves and Fishes

Sunday August 2nd, the Gospel reading was from Matthew 14: 13-21. It’s the story of the feeding of the 5,000. It’s the only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four Gospels. We visited the Holy Land several years ago and went to the site where the miracle was recorded to have taken place. Sometime later I was given this poem:

Loaves and Fishes (John 6:1-15)

It was already noon…”Five loaves and two fish”.
Was Mother’s command for supper’s dish.

The sun was high, so I left straight away,
To return with our meal by close of the day.

The throng was huge, they reclined on the grass,
I stared in awe and attempted to pass.

“You there! Boy!” I heard Andrew shout,
I trotted over, through the dense crowd.

“Your fish and loaves the Master has need,”
I turned on my heels intending to leave.

Then I saw Him, and He stretched out His hand,
My heart swelled with joy at the sight of the Man.

There was no refusing, I thought only to please Him,
I watched as He blessed and began to feed them.

When it was done, there was still more to eat,
Twelve wicker baskets sat at His feet.

They set on my shoulder the fullest one,
My task resumed, I headed for home.

Dark as it was now, I knew my way,
Mother was waiting as I passed through the gate.

I hung my head and relayed my excuse,
She looked at the basket so full and profuse.

She’d heard of the Prophet, but knew not His name,
“Jesus of Nazareth!” she heard me exclaim.

He multiplied our meagerness and filled beyond wish,
Thousands were fed with five loaves and two fish.