Mass Murder at TOPS

Each month I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in choosing the topic for the next blog. With Pentecost on June 5th, writing about our Missionary Cenacle Family’s great devotion to the Holy Spirit seemed right.

Then Buffalo happened.

Our MSBT community took a public, corporate stand against racism many years ago. How could there be any among us who is not shattered by yet another mass killing directly affecting 13 families and touching the lives of many others who were their friends, church members, neighbors, co-workers. Ten were killed, three were wounded. What they had in common: they shopped at TOPS and most were Black.

We are all members of one Body of Christ. If one member suffers, we all suffer. Why does the acknowledgement of racism have to tear us apart into political camps? Why cannot compassion and righteousness overcome division?

May we sing and act together: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Perhaps if we each listen to the Voice of the Holy Spirit within us and through the shattered lives of the Black, Brown, Asian, Jewish and Muslim communities who are united by recent experiences of mass shootings, we will know how our prayers can lead us to actions for unity as one family of God.