Hope is a Choice

Have you ever had a time of severe trial of your faith that eventually passed, and you wondered afterward why it was so hard to trust God during that test? I have, and through one of them, in particular, I learned a lesson that I’ve remembered ever since—a lesson about hope and trust in God.

Glimpses of the Divine

Perhaps our world-wide time of COVID closure has replaced a sense of entitlement with a renewed appreciation and care of one another and of all creation. I would like to share a quote from the famous Russian author, Fyodor Dostoevsky, that deepens this sense of gratitude in my own life.

Patience, Trust and Courage

Lately, I’ve found my interest captured by the birds who build nests outside our door. I’ve watched Mama sit on the eggs, then see the babies with their mouths wide open waiting for her to drop food into them.

Rinsing Out

“Let justice descend, you heavens, like dew from above, like gentle rain let the clouds drop it down/Let the earth open and salvation bud forth; let righteousness spring up with them! I, the Lord, have created this.”

Glimpses and Nudges

I have titled my blog as “Glimpses and Nudges” because that is how God often works in my life…not in the earthquake but in the tiny whisper, as in the story of Elijah.

Reflection on Light

As I was getting my morning coffee today I walked toward the circle in the retreat house and a bright light shone on me from the rotunda. I stood and let the light pour over me and prayed that I and all of us would always walk toward the light of Christ.


My older brother Phil tells great stories and he always starts with “So there I was…” Well, Pentecost is a pretty great story.