Pumpkin Spice and All Things Nice

It’s late in the Fall now and “pumpkin spice” has reared its orange head again and is in full swing once more as an influencer of popular culture. It’s in our drinks, our muffins, the candles on our mantles and even the color of our clothing. I like Fall nearly as much as I like Spring, because of the colors. The palette of nature is different now. Deep, rich autumnal hues of auburn, aubergine and gold are relaxing and hint of a slowing down of the hectic pace we’ve lived all year. Time begins to deteriorate like wet leaves under a favorite tree.

Of course with the onset of Fall, comes reflection of the recent past and where all the time went. I rather like the opportunity for reflection that this time of year brings, and since it’s now November, gratitude comes to mind as the theme for the month. Now, don’t roll your eyes just yet. I’m not suggesting that we all go around the table and say what we’re most thankful for. Rather I’d suggest a slightly different take on things; shake it up a bit perhaps. See, it’s easy to list all the biggies… family, health, career, blah, blah blah. Of course those things are at the top of the list, but when you really think about it, isn’t there so much more? What I’m suggesting is to consider the stuff just one or two layers deeper; the little things that most days go unnoticed.

In our sound-bite world, we’ve become conditioned to make judgements on just a few seconds of information, delivered by whatever biased source that’s chosen as the oracle in our lives. Most of this is negative and serves to keep us mired in misery. Is this deliberate so that at just the right time that same group of fear mongers can then introduce THEIR hero; THEIR savior? I don’t know, thinking a little deeper than the doom and gloom they give may reveal just such a pattern. I’m suggesting to think past their unhappiness. Hover above it. You already have a Savior. Turn off your phone, or better yet, set it aside in another room so you won’t be tempted to Google “gratitude”. Take a seat somewhere quiet and retrace your day; just the last 12 hours and consider all that the Lord did for you today. The Creator and Giver of all things provided you with opportunities today for many things and in all of them was the possibility to be grateful. I’ll spare you the gratitude platitudes (see what I did there?) and just allow you to consider for yourself what you might have passed over today. After all, I don’t wanna be another talking head telling you what to think. No, I’m suggesting that you think for yourself. You figure it out. My sense of it is that if you take a little time to consider the last twelve hours then that might lead to thinking back through the week and then the month… well, you get the picture. I suspect that if you do this and let the God of the universe guide your thoughts (rather than the gods of the media) that you’ll find the good. You’ll think back on His gifts even if they were packaged as trials and maybe, just maybe you’ll feel a sense of thankfulness.

I could be wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time. I still think it’s worth a shot. If it doesn’t work out, go get a fancy pumpkin spice drink from that coffee place you love so much. While you’re waiting for your coffee, look up at the TV they have or check your phone. I’m certain there’s a stream of bad news to tap into if you’d prefer. Or… YOU think. YOU choose. There’s good stuff to be grateful for. Just look a layer or two deeper.

Gaudete in Domino Semper!