Lenten Reflections with the MSBTs: First Sunday of Lent

Sr. Chris Wiltrakis, MSBT reflects on the Gospel for the First Sunday in Lent, February 18, 2024. You can find the Gospel Reading by clicking this link.

This past Ash Wednesday, millions of Catholics and other Christians came forth to be signed with ashes. “Repent and believe the Good News!”

Would it not be better for the Church to cry out: “Believe the Good News! Then repent?”  Why should we start out on this journey unless we have first been touched by Jesus, the One who first spent 40 days in the desert in our name? The pilgrimage from death to new life is an arduous one amidst the suffering of the world around us. This first Sunday of Lent always leads to Good Friday before the glorious triumph of Easter.

The central reason for entering this Lenten season is echoed in the reading for the first Sunday of Lent.  “See I am now establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you and with every living creature…”  (Genesis 9: 9-10) .

We are held by a sacred covenant with a steadfast God who never forsakes us. It is this very God who guides us through our sinfulness and chaos, who is with us as we begin this Lenten journey from brokenness to a glorious transformation as cherished children of God. This covenant extends beyond us, encompassing all of creation. What a compelling motive to venture into the desert with Jesus!