Lenten Reflections with the MSBTs: Second Sunday of Lent

Sr. Nancy Walsh, MSBT reflects on the Gospel for the Second Sunday in Lent, February 25, 2024. You can find the Gospel Reading by clicking this link.

When I was a young adult discerning my vocation, I longed for a clear message from God akin to the direct communication experienced by Peter, James, and John in this gospel. I would pray for ‘just a headline’ as a clue for my future! However, upon reflection, I realized that such an encounter might have been overwhelming for me, as it was for them.

I learned through my experience that God does speak to us but in much less dramatic ways – perhaps to avoid scaring us so that we are more open to hearing the message! God speaks through movements and gentle nudges in our hearts in prayer, through other people, in nature, through music – really, in infinite ways – if we but listen.

God spoke and said, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” A very direct and simple message. However, to listen we need to take time and quiet space to clear our minds and hearts to receive God’s word. Many times our prayer consists of telling God our needs and concerns, but we also need to listen – and to trust that God does speak to us.

This Lenten season let’s challenge ourselves to unplug from distractions such as phones and social media, and actively listen for God’s presence amid our everyday routines. For that is where God is – right in the middle of our everyday lives – Listen to Him!